Volnitza(LP:1 In 12)

01.Shrug - Fear&Violence
02.The Whisky Priests - Shut Doon The Waggon Works
03.Black Spot Champions - Fuck Off Yuppie Scum
04.Old Joe Zydeco - Zydeco Gris Gris
05.The Hoverchairs - Two Pints&It Rains
06.Pete Pax - Bew Improved Great Britain
07.Alex - City Nights
08.The Everly Sisters - Inside/Outside
09.Feed Your Head - Refuge *(1)
10.Seven Antelopes - Alienation
11.Every New Dead Ghost - Lonely Faces
12.Kage Engineering - Whistling
13.Western Dance - This Perfect Day
14.Heart Of Darkness - The Storm

01.The Volunteers - Crawl Thorugh The Soil
02.Vatucan Shotgun Scare - Roman Catholic Priest
03.Thrilled Skinny - Tec Buff
04.The Next World - Rising Tide Of Fascism
05.Giant Treads Clean - Slogan For Today
06.Vee V V - God Bless Johnny Woodentop
07.The Wendys - Do Anything
08.Hotalacio - Don't Kick Me
09.Default - Decline & Fall *(1)
10.Sore Throat - Eric Pickles Is A Fat Tory Bastard
11.Doom - Sick Joke
12.Generic - Take It
13.Pleasant Valley Children - The Myth Of
14.Pre Menstrual Tension - Video Monster
15.Thatcher On Acid - Monument To Boredom *(3)

(1)‘ź‚Ĺ‚Í–˘Žű˜^/previously unreleased
(2)’P“ƉšŒš‚Ć‚Í•Ęƒo[ƒWƒ‡ƒ“/different version from each band's stuff
(3)’P“ƉšŒš‚ÉŽű˜^/cut from each band's stuff
So why do you keep humming along now...