Erdata Ishee(CD:Chiggeryellem)
01.Southport - Drive By (*3)
02.The Know It Alls - Zip Gun
03.The Duvals - Pop For The Girl (*3)
04.Grampus Eight - Caroline (*2)
05.W.O.R.M. - Girl With A Piercing In Her Lip (*3)
06.Jelly Gun Jack - Absinthe Makes The Hair Grow Blonder
07.Munch - King Gooseberry
08.Turtlehead - Hate Him (*3)
09.Dina - Sea Murmur (*3)
10.Co Ag - Hands Like Shovels
11.The 'tone - I Ain't Sophisticated (*1)
12.Green Arrow - Lighthouse
13.The Droogs - Animals
14.Wat Tyler - History Of The Soviet Union Part.2 (*3)
15.Blocko - Wager (*3)
16.Eighty Six - Distance (*3)
17.Rydell - Bring The Lights Down
18.Annalise - Forget The Girl (*3)
19.Tokyo Adventures - 3 Hours In Labour (*2)
20.Luna:Suit - Apology (*3)
21.Monkey Boy - Fish For A Child
22.Carcrashdrama - Gladiator
(1)źĹ͢ű^/previously unreleased
(2)PĆššĆÍĘo[W/different version from each band's stuff
(3)PĆššÉű^/cut from each band's stuff
So why do you keep humming along now...