The Best Punk Rock In England, My Friend(CD:Snuffy Smile)
01.Spy Versus Spy - Helpless, Sign In Please *(2)
02.One Car Pile Up - Nothing This Time *(2)
03.Grover - So They Say *(3)
04.Destructos - Sick Bed *(1)
05.Red Monkey - Activity Book
06.Raggity Anne - Only Square People Think It's Cool To Be Cool
07.Servo - Vice Versa *(2)
08.Vanilla Pod - Once Was Home *(3)
09.Beauty School Dropout - Pass The Buck *(3)
10.Month Of Birthdays - Denial Of Vice
11.Griswalds - She's Got A Boyfriend
12.Ohno Express - Caboose *(3)
13.Cone - Smile For Me *(3)
14.Dropout - Let Go *(1)
15.Cleatus - Obsessed With Ya *(1)
16.Lithium Joe - The Gohst Room *(3)
17.Scarper! - Picking Sides *(3)
18.Dagobah - Waste *(3)
19.Mouthwash - Peeping Tom
20.Newtown Grunts - Adios Amigo
21.The 'tone - Alright *(3)
22.Write Offs - New Day/Old Day
23.Southport - Work *(3)
(1)źĹ͢ű^/previously unreleased
(2)PĆššĆÍĘo[W/different version from each band's stuff
(3)PĆššÉű^/cut from each band's stuff
So why do you keep humming along now...