The Best Punk Rock In England, Son(CD:Snuffy Smile)

01.China Drum - Cloud 9 *(2)
02.Chopper - My New Name *(3)
03.Couch Potatoes - User Friendly *(3)
04.Cowboy Killers - Deeply Dippy (3)
05.Doctor Bison - A Place For Us *(3)
06.Exit Condition - Throwing Stick For Underdogs *(3)
07.Funbug - (Sunshine) Ate My Brain *(2)
08.Goober Patrol - Waiting *(1)
09.Guns 'n' Wankers - Gillette *(3)
10.Hooton 3 Car - Sound Of The Day *(3)
11.Horace Goes Skiing - Dream *(1)
12.Midway Still - I Want You *(1)
13.Pope - Alone *(3)
14.Reverse - Clawfoot *(1)
15.Rugrat - Find Me Away *(3)
16.Scarfo - Skinny *(3)
17.Shutdown - Rebound *(3)
18.Skimmer - All Of The Time In The World *(2)
19.The Strookas - It Makes Me *(3)
20.Travis Cut - Permanent Grin *(3)
21.Venus Beads - Within These Wall *(1)
22.Wact - Burnout *(3)
23.Wat Tyler - Not Superstitious *(3)
24.Your Mum - Live And Learn *(3)

(1)‘ź‚Ĺ‚Í–˘Žű˜^/previously unreleased
(2)’P“ƉšŒš‚Ć‚Í•Ęƒo[ƒWƒ‡ƒ“/different version from each band's stuff
(3)’P“ƉšŒš‚ÉŽű˜^/cut from each band's stuff
So why do you keep humming along now...