The Best Of Splatch!(CD:Mother Stoat)

01.Bennet - If You Met Me
02.Bloom - Until Then
03.Who Moved The Ground? - Circular Motion *(1)
04.Disturbing Guests - Dead Eyes
05.Supermodel - You've Got A Gun
06.Redwood - Halloween
07.Headnoise - Respect To The Mankind
08.Nubium Doob - High & Dry
09.Hairy Things - Double D Fever
10.Mega City Four - Take Me Alive *(1)
11.Caged - Shot Away
12.Pallet - Chad Valley High
13.Chuck - Every Time I See You
14.Inter - Boss Grasshopper
15.Jolt - Call Me If You Wanna

(1)‘ź‚Ĺ‚Í–˘Žű˜^/previously unreleased
(2)’P“ƉšŒš‚Ć‚Í•Ęƒo[ƒWƒ‡ƒ“/different version from each band's stuff
(3)’P“ƉšŒš‚ÉŽű˜^/cut from each band's stuff
So why do you keep humming along now...